Inauguration of the Agricultural Attaché of the Uruguayan Embassy in China

Fecha: 17/05/2018

The inauguration of the Agricultural Attaché of the Uruguayan Embassy was carried out, in order to strengthen the Agricultural and Commercial Economic Department of this diplomatic headquarters in Beijing and consolidate the institutional presence in China.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding signed between Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Livestock and INAC, for the promotion of the Uruguayan meats, the foundations have been laid to count with a for professional support for export companies, with ability of a fluent interaction with offices of the Chinese government and with the local operators, which allows a quick response before possible managements that must be carried out.

In this framework, two Chinese employees will be hired by the Chancellery and the Uruguayan Embassy in China, will provide services to the meat sector, through the negotiations of the Ministry of Livestock and INAC.


Since 2013, China has positioned itself as the first commercial partner of our country and as the first destination of our exports of goods, representing almost 25 percent of the sales of domestic goods abroad.

More than 90 percent exported by Uruguay to China corresponds to products of agricultural and agro-industrial origin.

Regarding meats, it is estimated that our country has a solid base on which to continue working for the positioning of the country brand, which has as assets the traceability and quality of Uruguayan products, which differentiate Uruguay from its main competitors, but that are still unknown to the Chinese consumer.


For this inauguration travelled: The Minister of Livestock Agriculture and Fisheries Enzo Benech, the Director of the International Affairs Unit Rodolfo Camarosano, the Director of the General Directorate of Agricultural Services Federico Montes and the President of INAC Federico Stanham. Uruguayan Ambassador Fernando Lugris was also present at the event.

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