From Nature to your table

In the east meadows, cattle graze in the open year-round in complete harmony with nature.

The tempeate climate, fertile lands and abundant rivers and streams ensure the animals´s well-being. Each animal has the equivalent of two soccer fields`worth of pastureland on which to graze. The law prohibits the use of hormones and antibiotics in cattle feed.

Uruguay has a long tradition and culture of meat production and export. Uruguayan meat is known throughout the world for its high quality and delicious taste. Today Uruguay exports 80 % of what it produces to nearly 100 countries. Our main buyers are China, the European Union and the United States.

To achieve this high level of quality, Uruguay´s cattle industry experts have designed the best cattle information systems in the world. Uruguay is proud to be the only country capable of monitoring its entire supply chain, in addition to being able to demonstrate its certified production processes.


INAC: Panel Izquierdo - Menú